KeY for Ride Ratings


  • 1 Generally flat, some grades, for beginners

  • 2 Easy grades, challenging for beginners

  • 3 Moderate grades, some challenge for average riders

  • 4 Steep grades with some relief

  • 5 Long steep grades for strong riders


  • L Leisurely with many rest stops (< 12 mph)

  • M Moderate with some rest stops (12 - 15 mph)

  • B Brisk with few stops (15-18 mph)

  • S Steady, strenuous, rapid pace (>18 mph)


  • Estimated ride length in miles


  • "2-L-16" equals easy terrain, leisurely pace, 16 mile ride

Ride Categories

Orientation Rides:

Are conducted at a "Turtle" pace but include about a half-hour instructional period before the ride and usually several stops on the ride to discuss observations and offer hints. These rides are conducted by highly-experienced GSW members or certified cycling instructors.

Newcomer Rides:

As indicated by the smiley face symbol or *, are typically leisurely to moderate in pace and cover 15 to 20 miles, but the group stays together to ensure no one is ever dropped from the ride. Cue sheets are usually available and there is time to chat before, during, and after the ride. As with almost all GSW rides, an informal pizza party usually follows the ride.